A march of citizens against nuclear power and incineration of radioactive waste takes place today, 2012 March 10, in Kyoto. Japanese and foreign residents remain highly motivated as the Japanese government is renewing their efforts to promote the widespread burning and dumping of hazardous debris which contains, besides radioactive elements from the fallout, chemicals such asbestos from buildings swept away by the tsunami. It was revealed last week that plutonium was among the radionuclides found at mid-distance between Fukushima melted reactors and Tokyo.

Bye Bye "Gembatsu" (Nuclear Power) Kyoto - 2012 March 10

Renowned Professor Hiroaki Koide (小出裕章) gave a kick-off speech at 14 h. For those who, like me, missed it, or who read his name for the first time, please check him out on the Internet. On YouTube, for instance, we can see him testifying in the Diet, with this introduction :

“Koide Hiroaki:
[An assistant professor of “Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute”, a famous scholar of nuclear engineering. Graduated from Tohoku University, school of engineering in 1972 ]

Mr. Koide Hiroaki is a “Samurai” in the nuclear world. He has been struggling with gigantic nuclear conglomerate, for 40 years. Because of his anti nuclear activities, he has been ignored by government, scholars of nuclear, and industries. But after Fukushima, he became a symbol of Japanese conscience.
This video is an official document of his testimony at the Diet, concerning nuclear policies of Japan. He criticized national policies from the viewpoint of scientist. I attached English subtitles for announcing this to whole world.
Miki Shunji / Chief executive of MCRC “

In the following Asahi TV interview aired two days ago in “Morning Bird” programme, he explains with scientific authority to reporter Toru Tamakawa nothing less but the end of Tokyo in case a slight tremor shakes again reactor 4 in Fukushima nuclear plant, one time too many.

Protesters gathered in Maruyama park are good-natured citizens who dress up for the occasion. A majority of union members are there, together with professors, artists, concerned parents with their children and some odd Raelians cultists dressed in cosplay. It is not clear why the latter are against nuclear power, but there is a lot of human misery and anxiety in Japan in the wake of the political crisis of the government bent on mass murder with nuclear waste and 1933 Germany reminiscent tactics, and dangerous cults prey on lost souls.

Friendly dressed up protesters in Maruyama Koen

Stop Nuclear Power ("Genpatsu") in Maruyama Park

″Bye Bye Nuclear Power ″ march starts from Maruyawa park above Yasaka shrine where pictures above were taken, follows Shijo St. along Gyon down to Kawaramachi, and up north to Sanjo St.

Kepco nuclear power plants are all idled and cold winter in Kyoto passed without any power black out, thus proving if need be that they are useless and only diverting tax money into projects that Japanese do not have the necessary ethics and technical skills to conduct safely, even if the country was not constantly rattled by tremors. Fukushima blasted nuclear plant is ″fixed″ with DIY material and engineers lost both teleoperated devices, a basic robot and a mini-helicopter.

Softbank recently won a mega-solar project in Kyoto and it is a rare Japanese company with corporate social governance that seem to go beyond words.

Mainichi Daily News – Softbank unit to build mega solar power plants in Kyoto, Gunma, Tokushima

TOKYO (Kyodo) — Softbank Corp. subsidiary SB Energy Corp. will build and operate solar power plants in Kyoto, Shinto in Gunma Prefecture, and Matsushige and Komatsushima in Tokushima Prefecture, according to separate announcements Monday.The solar power plant projects in the four municipalities are the first commercial deals for SB Energy, which plans to build solar plants at more than 10 locations in Japan.The Kyoto municipal government said it has selected SB Energy and its two partners, Kyocera Solar Corp. and Kyocera Communication Systems Co., as contractors to build and operate a solar power plant in the ancient Japanese capital.SB Energy and its partners plan to construct two photovoltaic power generators in Kyoto with a total annual generation capacity of around 4.2 megawatt-hours, enough to meet annual demand from about 1,000 households.The first of the two generators is scheduled to begin operating on July 1 as Japan starts its feed-in tariff system, under which electric utilities will purchase all electricity generated by other firms and households using solar and other renewable energy sources.In the village of Shinto, SB Energy will build a 2,400-kilowatt mega solar plant — enough to meet demand from about 640 households — at a site of up to 49,300 square meters owned by the village office, Softbank said.SB Energy plans to commence construction of the Shinto plant in April, with operation to start on July 1. Sharp Corp. will undertake the layout of the power-generation facilities and other work.

Power generators with a capacity of 2,800 kw will be built on a 33,200-square-meter site in Matsushige and a 35,000-square-meter plot in Komatsushima both owned by Tokushima Prefecture.

(Mainichi Japan) March 6, 2012


In a Japan ever becoming anti-democratic, about a dozen plain clothe policemen are lined in front of Yasaka shrine koban police box, ready to photograph citizens when they march. They are easily recognizable with their police caps and the uniformity of their civil attire. National security is not usually attending protest marches in Kyoto. To be fair, they did not take pictures as we marched peacefully so it seems that they were stationed in case any incidents might occur.

It was surrealistic to protest against nuclear power in this historical and conservative city, along ladies in kimono and monks in robes. Yet everyone is starting to understand the threat and brainwashing and even Kyoto monks marched with us. Attendance was between 5000 to 6000 people.

Of course the date for the Marathon of Kyoto was chosen on March 11, in order to block any protest on this symbolic date which might resonate even more strongly with citizens. It will keep the masses busy thinking about neutral topics such as sports and traffic jams – but we cannot forget that Japan has melt down a year ago.

Website of Bye Bye Nuclear Power in Kyoto (Japanese)

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