Asahi Shimbun Japanese version reported that Yamada, the governor of Kyoto prefecture paid a secret visit to the small town of Kyotamba on March 28, in order to ask its mayor to accept incinerated radioactive waste and dispose of it, on the basis that the incinerator output would be better monitored there and that Kyotamba has 9 hectares of land as well as a river where to dump radioactive ashes. The mayor replied that he would think about the proposal positively, which is a way to acknowledge agreement provided that the brown envelope is fat enough.

Actual incineration would take place in undisclosed facilities in Kyoto prefecture, such as in Maizuru, Kyoto and Kameoka. Governor Yamada makes no secret about his plan to accept radioactive waste for incineration, but every move he makes towards its implementation is undemocratic and behind the scenes, a strategy also used by Goshi Hosono, the Minister of Environment who is pushing for nationwide spread of radioactive contamination.  (Updated on 2012/04/10)

Kyoto governor Yamada moves in the shadow to poison Kyoto residents with radioactive waste incineration

Kyotamba is about 35 kilometers from Kyoto city. Its location in the Kannon Pass, a valley north-west of the city, makes it perfect for winds to blow radioactive fallout from the incinerator first on Nantan and Kameoka, then on Muko and Nagaokakyo, to spread over all Kyoto city and further out to Osaka and Nara. Kyotamba population fell 25% in the last 40 years and its elderly population is even higher than the rest of Japan. Kyotamba is also an agricultural producer and it actually provides most of Kyoto dairy food, vegetables, cattle and even some wine known as Tamba wine. Clearly, once incineration begins in Kyotamba, then local Kyoto food will become contaminated with radioactivity. Actually, when this happens, other places in south-west Japan will have followed suit and it will be time to leave Japan and boycott all Japanese food. Australian Hawkesbury City in New South Wales is Kyotamba twin city and would do well not to accept any poisoned gift when this happens.


Kyotamba incinerator (A) will soon contaminate Kyoto, Nara and Osaka with radioactive waste fall-out and ashes - as well as all the food it produces for the region.

Kyotamba provides Kyoto with dairy, cattle, vegetables, black beans and wine - all local food will soon become inedible due to secondary radioactive fall-out and ashes dumping. (Copyright: Kahachi)

A Japanese blogger translated a Sankei Shimbun news article on March 24 where governor Yamada declared that he would secretly incinerate radioactive waste once he will have taken the decision (his post is reproduced below). When I was in Kyoto this week, a stinky air floated above every place I visited and I wondered if he had not indeed started to incinerate it. At any rate, Yamada surely moved stealthily in Kyotamba. Kyoto population successfully prevented the incineration of radioactive wood from Tohoku during the Gozan no Okuribi ceremony on August 16, 2011. Giant Japanese kanji ideograms are burnt on mountain tops around the city each year to show the return path to visiting deceased souls. Yamada knows that the population will rise up again if he moves in the open, so he stays in the shade.

Gozan no Okuribi - the Daimonji signs and other in the mountains show the return path to visiting deceased souls each year - in 2011 Kyoto population avoided contamination by Tohoku radioactive wood by their staunched refusal.

Final arrangements are being taken and once mayors will have received reassurances of safety, they will move quickly forward, according to Japanese newspapers. These reassurances are merely whitewash paperwork, as recently produced for the nuclear power plant in Oi nearby, and do not prove anything, but they establish a responsibility for future compensation by the government. Although the restart of nuclear power plants may wait until this summer elections as mentioned in SurvivalJapan earlier post, since incineration do not involve directly future candidates to the prime minister position but merely mayors of outback decaying yet vital small towns, it might start with the beginning of the new fiscal year on April 1st.

Ex-SKF – Governor of Kyoto on Disaster Debris: “We May Not Tell Residents”

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sankei Shinbun reports (3/24/2012):

がれき非公表処分の可能性 山田知事示唆 京都

Kyoto Governor Yamada indicates disaster debris may be disposed without the public informed

山 田啓二知事は23日の記者会見で、東日本大震災で発生した災害廃棄物(震災がれき)の広域処理について「(がれきを受け入れる)地元が非公表での処理を望 むなら、意向を踏まえなければならない」と述べた。平成16年に府内で鳥インフルエンザの感染が発生した際の焼却処分と同様、施設などを明らかにせずにが れき処理を行う可能性を示唆したものだ。

Governor Keiji Yamada commented during the press conference on March 23 on the wide-area disposal of disaster debris from the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami, and said “If the local authority (accepting the debris) want to proceed without telling the residents, we should oblige”, indicating he might proceed with the debris disposal like the Kyoto government had done in 2004 during the bird flu infection when the disposal by incineration was carried out without identifying which facility would do the incineration.


About Maizuru City, which has already pledged cooperation in debris disposal, the governor said “We want to carry out the test to prove safety”, and said he would visit the city and explain the safety to the city’s residents.

When politicians like him say “地元” (=locals), they mean the local government and heads of the neighborhood associations. It doesn’t mean residents.

Maizuru City is located on the coast on the Japan Sea. A beautiful, ancient town with the first evidence of human settlement 10,000 years ago. The current mayor Ryozo Tatami is a medical doctor.

Governor of Kyoto Keiji Yamada is a Tokyo University graduate (law) and a former career bureaucrat (today’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications).

Not that Sankei Shinbun cares. It decidedly do not care, as it has been calling the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident as “radiation leak”, and its editors and columnists routinely excoriate anyone who disagree with the national government policies of spreading contaminated vegetables and contaminated debris.


  1. notjonathon says:

    All the local governments of Okayama Prefecture, through the Prefectural government, and the City of Okayama have rejected the central government’s request to take debris from Tohoku. Reasons cited were lack of capacity, public opposition and failure of the central bureaucracy to clear up questions surrounding radioactivity.

    Now if only all the Prefectures in the west can hold out. . .

  2. FreedomSong12 says:

    a song about this: ‘Nuclear Power Saves Up To Threat Level 7‘ is Michel Montecrossa’s
    New-Topical-Song for the Chernobyl Anniversary and no end of
    radioactivity in a world with constantly growing contamination emanating
    from always more nuclear plants.

    Video ‘Nuclear Power Saves Up To Threat Level 7‘:

    Michel Montecrossa ( says:
    “’Nuclear Power Saves Up To Threat Level 7′ is a song of warning. Today
    we live in a world with no end of radioactivity and in a world with
    constantly growing contamination emanating from always more nuclear
    plants. ‘Nuclear Power Saves Up To Threat Level 7′ is triggered by the
    Chernobyl Disaster Anniversary and the fact that we are not able to
    handle our energy problems unless we find the way to achieving Human
    Unity and the realization of the United States of Planet Earth. It is
    the united effort of all humanity in a global union, free of borders
    that can find a new way for producing and distributing energy without
    endangering our life and the life and climate of the Earth.”


    Nuclear power worldwide saves the / equivalent of about 500 million tons
    of coal.
    Tougher controls on / polluting industries and a / strengthened
    pollution / inspectorate to / enforce them are to be / brought in by
    the / government under its ‘green bill’ / published yesterday, oho,
    Yes, nuclear power worldwide saves the / equivalent of about 500 million
    tons of coal and leads to
    a poisoned environment and up to / threat level 7, / to dangerous and
    frightening / lawless places, / to economy breakdown and to / rising
    food prices and / medicine prices beyond control. / You may scream: “No
    way! That’s a non-starter! / Nuclear disasters also lead to no water!”
    Nuclear power worldwide saves / the equivalent of about 500 million tons
    of coal. / And that is a great thing
    indeed, oh Lord, / especially when no one will be / there any more. Any
    more …
    Lyrics & Music: Michel Montecrossa, © Mira Sound Germany

  3. […] contaminated topsoil to every prefecture in Japan to be disposed of in sealed landfills and then to spread the burnable debris around Japan to be incinerated at places just like this 'clean factor…, vaporizing the radioactive nucleoids and spreading them from Hokkaido to Okinawa and beyond as the […]

  4. […] topsoil to every prefecture in Japan to be disposed of in sealed landfills and then to spread the burnable debris around Japan to be incinerated at places just like this 'clean factor…, vaporizing the radioactive nucleoids and spreading them from Hokkaido to Okinawa and beyond as the […]

  5. LivingaDream says:

    @Survivaljapan (owner of this blog): Would it be possible for me to contact you via email? As an American high school student with a love of Japanese culture and fluent in the language, I have dreamed of moving to Japan since I was very little, but this disaster has seemingly crushed that dream. I thus have some questions for someone living in Japan, as you are. If you are open to answering them, please send me a follow-up email at [email address hidden for the sake of privacy]. Thank you, and stay strong.

    • Thank you for your request and apologies for the delay in answering. I made the decision to leave Japan heavy-hearted but it was the thing to do. It took some time reorganizing and setting down safely. I am sorry that your dream is crushed and so is ours. Reflecting and learning more about Japan, I wonder if Japan as both Japanese and foreign enthusiasts see it might not just have been a dream. As a high school or even maybe now a college student, I would advise against living in Japan, but this is a personal or family decision to make, and it depends of course on what you leave behind. Actually, foreigners do not seem to care for the risk, as you will find out if you go anyway. If you have any questions, I will try and answer them on this blog. Good luck.

  6. 百合子 says:

    I noticed that the blog hadn’t been updated for a while. I hope you and your family are doing okay. I’m a Japanese living in the States. Recently I went to Japan to visit my family and stayed in Kanto area for a month. I was totally oblivious to what was going on. I ate whatever my mom, who has no concerns about radiation, cooked and went out to eat several times with my family and friends – never questioned where those foods came from. I was concerned about restarting Oi nuclear plant which seems vulnerable, worse than Fukushima Daiichi, to earthquakes and Tsunami. I wondered about food safety in Japan when I heard “the radiation level in the certain food was found under the national standard level” but didn’t do any research while I was there. I came back to the States about two weeks ago, and since then I have been researching on the Net almost everyday. I’m going through the same emotion as I did when Fukushima Daiichi ordeal was going after 311. I’m furious and frustrated. I can’t believe what the Japanese government is doing. Are they insane? They are definitely not trying to protect ordinary citizens. They are poisoning them by manipulating radiation standards (and readings) in foods/water and in the air. Moving contaminated debris out of the area and burning them in places as far as Kita-kyushu? What are they thinking? They are contaminating the areas that weren’t before. I am praying for Japan. I hope Japanese people will stand up for themselves this time.

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